At First Christian Church we say,
“Come as you are, you belong.”
We welcome everyone on this journey to connect with one another and with God who is bigger than we can think or imagine, and who invites us to be partners in making a difference in the world.
Whether you consider yourself a follower of Christ, an agnostic, or a questioning skeptic, or you are struggling with difficult questions of faith, know that you don’t have to check your brain at our door. We practice respect of every individual’s faith journey. Here you can ask tough questions and be part of a group of people who believe that Jesus showed us a way of being that emphasizes compassion, love and justice.
At First Christian, you are free to explore, imagine, wonder, and engage in what really matters. Here you will find a warm and caring community of people that is not defined so much by our agreements or disagreements, as by our acts of love and care, justice and healing.
If you are looking for a community with room for all kinds of people, come check us out!