Mary Jane Button-Harrison
Born in Minnesota, raised and attended college in Iowa, attended seminary in the Chicago metro area, I am truly a mid-westerner! I have been in ministry at First Christian Church in Ames since 2006 and am enjoying both Ames and First Christian very much! This congregation never ceases to amaze me (in a good way) and I feel blessed to be here.
I am married to Tim, an ordained Church of the Brethren minister. Together we have two young adult children, Sam and Hannah. We enjoy singing and playing music together. I enjoy kick-boxing, walks with Tim, eating fresh vegetables, traveling, and engaging in both theological and philosophical conversations with all kinds of people.

Tim Button-Harrison
Minister of Worship and Discipleship
My FCC ministries are with worship, music and faith formation; working with staff and members to weave concerns, challenges, talents and dreams into worship and the faith journey. I also work with churches and ministers across Iowa and Minnesota as Northern Plains District Executive for the Church of the Brethren. Family is a priority with our two adult children living in Chicago and my mother and three of my four siblings living in Ames. Doing projects at our farmhouse and nature preserve an hour from Ames is another priority.

Liz Collazo
Administrative Assistant
I was born and raised in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, and moved to Iowa in 1994 to attend Iowa State University. It’s taken me quite some time to get used to these Iowa Winters! I fell in love with the wonderful and welcoming Ames community, and have been a resident ever since. I am also a dedicated advocate for people with type 2 diabetes, and keep a personal blog about my struggles with the condition. In my spare time, I enjoy knitting, photography, Sudoku puzzles, and reading.

Janet Lott
Worship Arts Minister
FCC has been home to me for decades while I grew up in Ames, attended ISU as a music major, married John and had our children, Benjamin, Elizabeth and Aaron, who were all dedicated here. After many years in music ministry, I received a commissioned minister’s license in 2004. Now my office is the sanctuary balcony where I create digital art slides for worship. I also help nurture the music ministry of singing and all things instrumental. It gives me joy seeing the delight on other’s face when someone offers a new-found or always-known talent or gift in worship for the blessing of all. I enjoy music making, thing fixing, puzzle solving, and outside being – on wheels, on water and on foot.
Jenna Schwartz

Karen LeCount
Childcare Staff
Karen is a lifelong member of FCC, with a husband and 2 kids. She has been watching kids in the nursery every Sunday since 2005. Her desire is to allow kids to be kids and play a role in beginning their journey to discover Gods role in their lives. Karen’s full time job is as a laboratory technician at the National Veterinary Services Laboratory a division of the APHIS/USDA.

Sherri Khan
Sherri has no pets due to allergies, but she does have a mom, dad, and brother, whom she is not allergic to, and enjoys spending lots of time with. She works diligently as the church custodian and has done this for over half of her life, obviously she is committed or should be committed. But she loves the Lord and the congregation and will continue her job until she is too old and decrepit to continue. Wow, she is very devoted, I think she deserves a healthy raise! Sherri likes to spend her free time doing things like: writing, painting, playing her ukulele with the group, cooking, and outdoor activities with friends. Please let it be noted that although she enjoys these activities, it is not a guarantee that she is good at any of them. Yes, all in all, Sherri leads a simple life.